Saturday, April 30, 2011

Princess Photo shoot

I've been lucky to be able to spend the week with two beautiful princesses, my nieces Olivia and Charlotte. Yesterday to celebrate the Royal Wedding Olivia modeled my tutus and aprons and we had our own mini photo shoot in the front yard.

She absolutely loved posing for the camera and getting to change clothes so many times! The tutus fit great and she pulled them off with a regal air. Here are some of my favorite pictures, with links to find the tutus on Etsy.

Fairy in the Forest Tutu

Stay tuned, aprons to follow tomorrow.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Welcome to the new blog for my main Etsy shop. Some great Mother's Day gifts have been posted, order soon to be sure it arrives in time for that special day. More items to be posted soon, stay tuned in and pass it along.

much love,
